

We feature a variety of services including student rentals, consignments, and appraisals. Violin appraisal is performed in our shop almost every day.

We specialize in complicated restorations of antique and historical instruments. Neck grafts, sound post patches, button grafts, bass bars and other complicated reparations are performed here all the time. We can restore the most sophisticated varnish that has been damaged. Generally, we can bring any instrument back to life. We also repair and rehair bows for all instruments using best quality hair.



"This is a violin made in 1917 by one of the best Swiss makers. I acquired it at the condition shown on the left side with extensive varnish damages mostly on the back. Through all my experiences I was able to identify the historic pigments that were used by the maker. I knew how that pigment was precipitated and reconstructed that process. Then I applied pigment with varnish to the violin, as shown on the right side. This kind of varnish restoration takes a few months, but if done properly, it is possible to restore the violin to its best condition, making it attractive again."

-Jarek Powichrowski

